The other day this woman said that while she personally would not ever have an abortion she believes it should remain legal. But the catch was she believes it should remain legal for the women who have been raped, or the mother's life is in danger. Does it make it any less a baby because of the circumstances?
Um...OK, so while I absolutely feel that it's wrong to kill your unborn child due to its father's actions (do you kill your child because his father holds up a bank?) why should abortion remain legal for any other reason? If abortion were made illegal excluding hard cases it'd be like 97 babies out of 100 would get life. And that rape victim could still get her abortion (albeit however wrong that is).
Rape is a traumatic event in one's life. It is awful, horrible...unimaginable. But surely one cannot honestly believe killing the baby will end the mother's suffering. If only it adds to it. Two wrongs do not make a right.
I'm not saying she even has to keep the baby, but to kill it over what the man did is not seeking justice or healing whatsoever.
This woman would not get an abortion but yet she feels it should remain a legal right. I would not own a slave to work for me, keep me in my home, buy my clothes, etc, etc, but I think it should become legal so those who want that can have that choice. No, that's ridiculous.
What's wrong is wrong. Just because you feel animal abuse is wrong, who's to say your neighbor shouldn't be allowed to kick his dog around?
I want to see abortion become illegal. But if to see that become true we had to keep it legal for the hard cases, I'd take that compromise. It would mean that many more thousands of babies would see the light of day. And hopefully even the rape victims would get the love and support they need to make the right choice.
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