The Radical Notion That All Life Should Be Valued & That Truth Will Prevail

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

fact not opinion video

Abortion: only a women issue?

No, abortion also concerns men. They have a responsibility to speak out against abortion because real men don't stand by with their hands in their pockets while the unborn are being killed. Men against abortion have every right to speak against it and those who tell them to shut up need to stay consistent and tell the ones who are for it to shut up also. After all, if it doesn't concern men why should they say it's ok to kill the unborn?

The pro-choice side is so quick to tell prolife men to shut it yet again, they're inconsistent. They also didn't mind that in 1973 when Roe. v. Wade was decided upon all members were male- but wait, they shouldn't have a voice in the matter! Yet they were the ones who legalized abortion.

Again, most abortionists are men. Many men force women into abortion. So evidently the only men the prochoice side wants silenced are the men who believe women can do better than abortion.

And lastly, if the argument is men cannot get pregnant therefore shouldn't have a voice in it, what about the women who can't get pregnant? Should only fertile women be allowed to have an opinion?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Abby Johnson

I feel like it should be said that Abby Johnson should not be hated or looked down on. No she's not perfect but are you or I? Yea didn't think so. She worked for an abortion clinic, yes, and because of that I'm always hearing horrible things about her. Yes, she worked there. But ya know what? she's pro-life now, one of us! She worked against us at one point in her life and regrets it, but she can'...t change it and neither will hatred; hatred does nothing good.
It is also said "too bad she didn't change sooner." Lets look at the positive- she changed! God was working on her, and we as humans are very weak sometimes, not strong enough to do the right thing and ignore Him.
Y'all remember Paul? yeah he was Saul, killer of Christians. He switched sides (like Abby). Jesus forgave him, and Paul did great things. Yes, if he had changed sooner more Christians woulda lived, but the thing is he repented and turned from his sinful, wicked ways. He did great things!
Abby can't change her past, the things she did and neither could Paul. But God gave both His mercy, grace and love. Let us extend the same to her. She is fighting for life just as strongly if not more so than she did for abortion.
Let us love one another, let us be pro-life and not merely anti-abortion

Sunday, August 28, 2011

human or not human

When a woman is pregnant obviously it's an unborn baby. But pro-choicers call it a fetus (although if you look it up fetus is Latin for little child or something along those lines). And it seriously bugs me crazy much when someone says "it's not a human."

Not a human? Then what the heck is she carrying in there, an alien? A pregnant dog is pregnant with puppies, a pregnant cat with kittens, and you know what I'm getting at. A human is only pregnant with a little human, a baby. It is alive, with his or her own set of DNA. His or her heart is already beating by the time most women discover they're pregnant.

I thought the argument was for person hood, not if it's human or not. But I guess if it's not human, then there is no argument if it gets person hood status or not.

People beget people, dogs beget dogs, praying mantises beget praying mantises. One doesn't deny that creatures (every living thing I mean by that) are pregnant with what they are yet one will deny a woman is pregnant with a little human. They say it's nothing but a mass of cells. We are all a bunch of cells, does it make you or I any less human? Yeah, didn't think so.

They say the unborn fetus has potential to become a human or person, it has the blueprint, like an acorn seed has the potential, blueprint to become an acorn tree. There is a difference, because by 8 weeks in a pregnancy the unborn fetus has everything like the rest of us and from then on it is just developing more. An acorn seed isn't a baby tree, but the unborn? Is a baby person.

So no, the unborn baby isn't just a potential human or person or whatever they call it, it is a human, it is a person.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

not right for me, right for you

The other day this woman said that while she personally would not ever have an abortion she believes it should remain legal. But the catch was she believes it should remain legal for the women who have been raped, or the mother's life is in danger. Does it make it any less a baby because of the circumstances?

Um...OK, so while I absolutely feel that it's wrong to kill your unborn child due to its father's actions (do you kill your child because his father holds up a bank?) why should abortion remain legal for any other reason? If abortion were made illegal excluding hard cases it'd be like 97 babies out of 100 would get life. And that rape victim could still get her abortion (albeit however wrong that is).

Rape is a traumatic event in one's life. It is awful, horrible...unimaginable. But surely one cannot honestly believe killing the baby will end the mother's suffering. If only it adds to it. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I'm not saying she even has to keep the baby, but to kill it over what the man did is not seeking justice or healing whatsoever.

This woman would not get an abortion but yet she feels it should remain a legal right. I would not own a slave to work for me, keep me in my home, buy my clothes, etc, etc, but I think it should become legal so those who want that can have that choice. No, that's ridiculous.

What's wrong is wrong. Just because you feel animal abuse is wrong, who's to say your neighbor shouldn't be allowed to kick his dog around?

I want to see abortion become illegal. But if to see that become true we had to keep it legal for the hard cases, I'd take that compromise. It would mean that many more thousands of babies would see the light of day. And hopefully even the rape victims would get the love and support they need to make the right choice.

Monday, July 4, 2011

what about partial-birth abortion?

When I first heard about partial-birth abortion I was absolutely disgusted. And I couldn't believe it was allowed to happen.

Pro-choicers often claim partial-birth abortion is done to save the mother's life. Are you actually serious?! They are delivering all but the head of the baby, and then with a poweful vacuum suck out the baby's brains, collasping the skull.

That's not considered murder because the baby has yet to draw in a breath of air. Really? I was under the impression a heartbeat and brain waves (which the baby has) is, by medical standards, alive.

It has also been noted by the way, that there is no medical reason for a partial-birth abortion. When you're ok to survive the baby being pulled through the birth canal there is no reason to kill your baby. If the mother can survive that, she can survive a live birth.

It was said by pro-choicers a mother wants her baby when they perform a partial-birth abortion but she can't keep it because her life is in danger. But she can survive the almost delivery? Yeah...

Keep in mind when a partial-birth abortion is done, the baby is at least five months along and with today's technology, most likely has a fighting chance in the NICU. There is no reason to have the baby's skull crushed.

Partial-birth abortion is is beyond disgusting. How does a human deliver a little baby and do that? I can't understand that...It's awful.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Defund Planned Parenthood

I believe I said this before but I'm saying it again. Every life saved from abortion is a win for the pro-life side.

The other day a girl was saying who cares five states have defunded Planned Parenthood. She went on to say that we might as well not defund them because the other states still fund them; other countries perform abortions as well.

That is true, yes. But every state to defund Planned Parenthood is a win; a victory! I mean, think about it. Should we stop trying to feed the starving children? Absolutely not! Every child that gets fed is a victory! A war isn't won with a single battle. It takes time to see things through to the end.

Someone else also said that because of the "good" Planned Parenthood does (pregnancy tests, and other women's health care) we shouldn't defund them. There are literally hundreds of other clinics that do all the exact same things, only without performing abortions. If Planned Parenthood isn't about abortions, rather women as they claim they shouldn't even be crying over this. Fighting it so hard. They can still help women. But they want that money provided from abortion.

And abortion isn't even "helping" women. It hurts them. It may seem like help at the time, but then or later, it hurts. Not only does it hurt the woman, it hurts the father...It hurts the people around her.

Keep defunding Planned Parenthood- and Obama, back off. His administration is fighting Indiana. It's a state's right to defund them. He's trying to take away another freedom of the state; of the people. They voted to defund and he's trying to change it. Wow. I'm disgusted.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have decided to return this blog back to its original roots. Abortion. I don't know how often I'll post a blog, but that's what this will go back. I have another blog I just started for other purposes. and there's the link for it you'd like to visit.

It feels weird posting about other stuff on here when it's suppose to be a prolife blog so yup, it's going back to that.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

is it worth it?

So this is kind of a personal topic and all, but it has been on my mind lately. I'm not ashamed of the fact that I am a virgin or even a 'good' girl but sometimes people make me feel like it's something wrong. That it's wrong to be a 'good' girl and I don't know why I let them make me feel that way.

I dislike how if I don't drink they try to pressure me into drinking. Why is that? I'm not pressuring them not to drink. I'm not telling them not to- I just respectfully decline the pro-offered alcoholic drink. Why don't they respect my decision not to drink? I mean, first off, I am underage and I do not believe that minors should be drinking so why would I? Secondly, I have absolutely no desire to drink Whatsoever. Is that odd? Because people make it seem like that's odd...

The other thing is, I am virgin- as I stated above- and I have never even kissed a guy. I know, wow! lol. Now, please, don't go and think that nobody's ever tried to kiss me. Haha. Guys have, I've pulled away. Why, you may ask? Because I guess I still hold onto my young girl's fantasty of waiting for my wedding to kiss for the first time. Actually, I'm not gonna lie, I haven't found a guy I wanna kiss. I hold onto the belief that kissing is quite special; that each kiss you give is givng away a part of yourself. I don't want to regret my first kiss- and if I were to just kiss any guy that I feel an attraction to, I would regret it. I know myself, and I know I would.

Just recently someone asked me if I'm a virgin, and I said yes. He asked if it's because I haven't found the right guy. How to explain it to have him understand? I wasn't sure. Nobody nowadays seem to understand or grasp the concept of waiting for marriage. I replied with "I'm waiting for I guess you could say it's because I haven't found the right guy." I mean, that's true. I haven't found the right guy, the one I'm going to marry. But even when I do find that guy, he's not getting in my pants til our wedding night.

If I were to give away my virginity before marriage- just like if I were to give away my first kiss- I would regret it. In fact, I would probably hate myself. I want to live a full, fun life. But I don't want to look back and see regrets tainting it.

Of course, others believe once you find "the one" it's ok to have sex with him; after all you're going to get married. I don't buy into that. I mean, if you're going to marry him anyway, why not just wait a little longer? They say if you love him it's ok to have sex. Again, I don't buy that. Because nowadays the word love is so misused, so more than likely the love you two feel is just "I love you right now but I probably won't a little later down the road." There is no commitment with that love.

And that's about it, I guess. But if you're like me, the good girl, keep at it. Don't let others make you feel bad for being "good". If you don't wanna drink, it's ok. Don't wanna have sex, it's ok. Don't wanna smoke? Again, it's ok. Don't give in because people think you're weird. You're unique, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty for it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood

I got this list from Live Action and wanted to share....

This comes via SBA List:
1. President Obama and Senate Democrats are willing to shut down the federal government to ensure tax dollars keep flowing to one of their biggest political allies. During his run for president, Planned Parenthood Action Fund endorsed Obama, marking only the second time in their history that they endorsed in a presidential election.[i] They poured money into his campaign and churned out volunteers. Imagine the reaction if a Republican president was willing to shutdown the government in order to prevent a single organization from sharing one penny in the belt-tightening all Americans are facing.
2.  Planned Parenthood is an independently wealthy entity. According to its latest annual report, it has nearly one billion dollars in net assets.[ii] Data shows that over the last nine years, Planned Parenthood has taken in over $500 million in profits.[iii]
3. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. One out of every four abortions in the U.S. is performed in a Planned Parenthood facility. Data shows that since 1970, Planned Parenthood has performed at least 5.3 million abortions. In 2009 alone, Planned Parenthood performed a record 332,278 abortions.[iv]
4. Planned Parenthood’s business model is centered on abortion. Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson has written that she was given an “abortion quota” and was even told by her superiors to double the number of abortions in order to bring in more revenue.[v] Abortion patients constitute 12 percent of Planned Parenthood clients — 332,000 of 3 million unduplicated clients in its most current report. 37 percent of all Planned Parenthood clinic income revenue is from abortion procedures, according to conservative estimates. Planned Parenthood has issued a directive instructing that all affiliates must have at least one clinic that performs abortion by 2013.[vi]
5. More taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood equals more abortions, fewer adoption referrals.  Claims that taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood results in fewer abortions are false. From 2000 to 2009, Planned Parenthood saw an 80 percent increase in taxpayer funding, receiving $202 million in 2000 and $363 million in 2009. In 2000, Planned Parenthood performed 197,070 abortions while making 2,486 adoption referrals. In 2009, they performed 332,278 abortions and made just 977 adoption referrals. That means an 80 percent increase in taxpayer funding resulted in a 69 percent increase in the number of abortions and a 61 percent decrease in the number of adoption referrals.[vii]
6.  Planned Parenthood is not safe for women and young girls. Recent undercover footage released by Lila Rose’s Live Action shows Planned Parenthood employees in several states willing to aid and abet in acknowledged human sex trafficking of girls as young as 14.[viii] The undercover footage resulted in the firing of Amy Woodruff, manager of the Central New Jersey Planned Parenthood clinic.[ix] It also caused Planned Parenthood to call for mandatory training sessions of thousands of its employees across the country on reporting requirements.[x
7.  Planned Parenthood opposes commonsense measures to protect women and underage girls. Presently, Planned Parenthood is fighting a bill in Illinois that would require its staff and volunteers to be mandatory reporters when they suspect the sexual abuse of minors. They’ve also consistently fought parental notification laws – all the way to the Supreme Court – which would simply inform a parent if their underage daughter is seeking an abortion. They’ve opposed state efforts to impose health and safety regulations for abortion facilities.[xi]
8.  Women have other options for seeking primary care, contraception, STI testing, and cancer screening. According to the Chiaroscuro Foundation, in addition to the tens of thousands of U.S. doctors and hospitals providing this care, there were 1,048 federally qualified health centers in the U.S. which provide women cancer screening,  contraception, and STI testing.[xii]
9.  Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms and is not a significant primary care provider to women. Despite claims made by Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards and members of the media, Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms. They are also not a significant primary care provider in general.  In recent reports, Planned Parenthood acknowledges that it provided primary care only to about 19,700 of its 3 million unduplicated clients. These services have been trending downward for years, from 21,247 in 2007 to 20,235 in 2008, to today’s 19,796.[xiii]
10.  Polling shows Americans don’t believe efforts to defund Planned Parenthood are extreme. A March 2011 poll conducted by The Hill, before Planned Parenthood became a critical issue in the budget debate, showed that Americans are virtually split in half over whether Planned Parenthood’s funding should be left alone or completely cut. Forty-six percent said it should be left alone; 42 percent said it should be completely cut. The poll has a 3 percent margin of error.[xiv] When asked specifically about taxpayer funding of abortion, polls consistently show a healthy majority of Americans, 60 to 70 percent, oppose their tax dollars funding abortion.[xv]
11. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a strong believer in eugenics. Following is just a sampling of her documented beliefs. “In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation…”[xvi] Referring to immigrants and Catholics, she wrote: “[They’re] an unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.”[xvii] She also wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”[xviii] Planned Parenthood is carrying on her legacy today, centering itself on population control efforts. In a recently filed tax return, Planned Parenthood stated as part of their mission statement that they are committed to “a U.S. population of stable size in an optimum environment.”[xix]
12. Planned Parenthood has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of employee time in order to protect its government handout. Planned Parenthood has flooded the airwaves with TV commercials[xx] and radio ads[xxi] in order to protect its funding. Its employees – whose paychecks are subsidized by tax dollars — have participated in bus tours and rallies across the country.[xxii]

[i] Planned Parenthood Press Release, “Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Barack Obama,” July 7, 2008
[ii] Chiaroscuro Foundation Report, “Does Planned Parenthood Need or Deserve Federal Funds?,” March, 2011
[iii] Life Issues Institute, “Planned Parenthood Fact Page”, 2011
[iv] Chiaroscuro Foundation Report, “Does Planned Parenthood Need or Deserve Federal Funds?,” March, 2011
[v] Abby Johnson Op-Ed in The Hill, “Exposing the Planned Parenthood business model,” April 4, 2011
[vi] Chiaroscuro Foundation Report, “Does Planned Parenthood Need or Deserve Federal Funds?,” March, 2011
[vii] SBA List Press Release, “Fact Check: Clinton Misleads on Planned Parenthood Funding,” April 6, 2011
[viii] Live Action Press Release, “Caught on Tape: Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp’s Underage Sex Ring,” February 1, 2011
[x] New York Times, “Planned Parenthood to Retrain Public Staff,” February 7, 2011
[xi] Dr. Helen Alvare op-ed in the Weekly Standard, “Note to Congress: Planned Parenthood is Not a ‘Women’s Health’ Organization,” April 6, 2011
[xii] Chiaroscuro Foundation Report, “Does Planned Parenthood Need or Deserve Federal Funds?,” March, 2011
[xiii] Ibid.
[xv] CNN: “Poll: Majority favor abortion funding ban,” November 18, 2009
[xvi] Birth Control Review, “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda.” October 1921, page 5.
[xvii] Margaret Sanger, “Pilot of Civilization,” p. 187
[xviii] Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race,” 1920
[xix] Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., 2008 Income Tax Return
[xxii] Planned Parenthood, “Planned Parenthood Truth Tour Cities & Events,” March 29, 2011
From → Planned Parenthood       

Friday, April 15, 2011

Camaros, jeeps and a really cute guy

So today I took my mom and three little sisters to the homeschool skating. I didn't really feel like skating so I walked over to the library and got on the computer. While there this super cute guy sits at the computer next to me.

Well I'm reading this post my sister left me on Facebook and it just totally cracked me up and he glanced at me. A few minutes later, he starts to laugh at something and then looks at me so I look at him and with this wide smile says "oops, I'm sorry." I kinda nodded- cuz well, I wasn't sure what he was apologizing about til it hit me he had just burst out laughing.

I proceed to look on the Kelley blue book, trying to find out how much I could sell my camaro for. No way I wanna sell my car though, she's my baby! I bought her last July and I totally love my car.

He sees me on there and asks what kind of car I have and whatnot. I can't find where I figure out what my car is worth so he helps me. Then we get to talking about his camaro. The fact he owns a camaro is awesome. The fact he was looking up my favorite style of jeep was sweet. And add to the fact he was extremely cute...Yeah, it was cool.

Then low and behold his girlfriend walks in. He did not look too happy about it either and tried to make her go away but she wouldn't. When my mom texted me she and my little sisters were almost ready, and I got up to leave he gave me a lingering look. He didn't want me to go. But c'mon, I'd want me over her too.

But seriously, look at this jeep...
and look at my sexy beast...

Monday, April 4, 2011


Soo today has been pretty epic. Like seriously, I could not have asked for a better morning. To start it off, my bestest friend Amy (the one I went to see in Alaska) and I talked for like an hour and a half. Ah man she always makes me laugh. She is pretty awesome.

And then after we get off the phone, I come downstairs and get on the computer and check the email. And I have an email from Tim Downs (well probably not him exactly but anyways) and it was a Publisher's Weekly review on his new book being released like May 17th, Nick of Time. Man, I love this series, the Bug Man books. It is totally awesome and I've been waiting for the fifth book (I do believe it's the fifth, lol) to come out for like two years now. I couldn't control myself. I was like "Mom, a new Bug Man book!" And then to my little sister (who by the way, was sitting like across from mom...) "A new Bug Man book!" and over and over I went, so stoked. I am still very excited and cannot wait for May! Ok, so I already couldn't anyway but even more so now because a new Bug Man book is coming out!!!!

Next, I logged onto Textnovel where I am currently writing two stories. They have contests going on there, but I haven't entered because, well, I'm so new on there with not very many views on my stories. But it's fun. Anyways, I see my story I Saw it All has a few more comments, so I click to read 'em and I see that my story has been picked by the editors! Every two weeks they pick a new story and encourage you to keep writing and editing and get more people to view and vote for your story. I was stunned, lemme tell ya!

So, here's the link to it. Read it. Vote for it. And ignore the typos, I am working on fixing them. And maybe share this blog entry (or the link) so they can read and vote too. I do so appreciate it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

(Body) Artwork & (no) Regrets

Wow. It feels like every time I turn around someone else I know is 1) wanting to get a tattoo, 2) getting a tattoo and 3) wanting a second (or whatever number they're on).

Ok, so trust me, I totally get that some tattoos are fabulous. Some have special meaning to the one who gets it. But good gosh, everyone wants one or more! Like, seriously, what is the obsession? It's like a freakin' tattoo craze!

I'm not a hater of ink, don't get me wrong. I do like some tattoos. I stated above I get some are fabulous. Heck, I do admire epic tattoos. But no way am I surrendering my body to be used as an art canvass; to some artist who likes using flesh as the drawing board.

So, ok maybe my belief, my faith (I wouldn't exactly call it an religion, more of an relationship) plays a part in my decision to not tattoo myself. Now, there's been times I've been tempted. I've even picked out the tattoo I'd get, well two of 'em but I have officially decided I am not getting any ink. I will admire others.

Mind you though, I'm not saying it's a sin for a Christian (an actual Christian who is truly born-again and living for Jesus; not one who just takes the title Christian as soo many do) to get ink. The Bible doesn't flat out say "do not tattoo yourself." But I personally cannot do it with a clear conscience. I feel it's wrong. I won't judge or condemn anyone, but I do ask you to seek Jesus in it. I mean, after all you are claiming to be His son or daughter so in any decision you should seek Him out.

Another thing- outside of Christianity- multiple tattoos, depending on their location and what they are, don't really look all that great anyways. And when you're old? Hahaha, sorry, but I laugh, but it looks so darn ridiculous. I see an old man or old woman with all their tattoos and it just looks gross. It may look super amazing when you're twenty but when you're sixty? Umm...

So young people, I know it's hard but try and picture yourself as an old man or old woman- like sixty to seventy. You're old, wrinkly and wise. You still gunna like the ink? (Ok, so most are going to say yes, but honestly, you're going to change as you age so you may not...). Is your ink still gunna look good or are your grandkids gunna be like 'grandpa or grandma that looks sorta silly'?

Ask an older adult in your life with some ink, see what they have to say. I know people, have read stories of senior folk regretting their tattoo(s). Not all do, mind ya, but some. You could be the one who does.

I'm not saying do not get a tattoo. Just trying to caution you to be thoughtful. Don't get a tattoo on whim- more of a possibility of regretting it. Don't get an meaningless tattoo- more chance of regretting it. Cuz you don't wanna be seventy and looking back at a life full of mistakes/regrets. Live life to the fullest (and it doesn't always mean getting a tattoo, haha) and try not to have any regrets.

Now this is an epic tattoo and quite similar to what I'd want. Similar, but not exact. Ain't it fabulous?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sorry I've not been posting any new blogs lately, but I'm in Alaska for a month and don't really have the time to update.

My time here has been incredible. My best friend lives up here so I came to visit her. I absolutely love it! Yeah, yeah, so it's cold. I left freezing cold weather, so it really isn't all that different although the wind here does make a difference.

But despite the cold, I would actually love to live up here. It is incredibly beautiful! The mountains...Oh my, they are stunning! Like seriously, the pictures you see don't do them justice. To actually see them in person is amazing. I am just in total awe of them.

My first night here (my plane landed at 1:20am) and it was about 3am or so when I saw a moose walk across the road in front of us. It was soo cool to see a moose so soon after being here. I hope to see more. :)

And I guess that is all the time I have for now. I will try and update every now and then but we will see.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Day

I hate Valentine's Day. Ick. Okay, so maybe 'hate' is too strong of a word. I don't necessarily hate it, but I do not like it. I've been single every Valentine's Day and let me just clear it up now: that's not why. The reason I dislike V-Day is because so many people, if single, are all depressed and whiny. Seriously? Pull your head from the dirt and look around you! You surely got people around you who you love.

"Every day is just the earth spinning once. Valentine's Day just means retailers move the cute pink cards and flowers to the front... and I still don't buy any. They mean only what you make of them. To me, they say "I spent some money on stupid stuff so I could avoid actually finding words for my feelings."" ~Dean H.

I totally agree with that statement. I don't really get into Valentine's Day either.

"...and sometimes doing something special for someone else makes you feel good too. Maybe buy some chocolates for your best friend, sibling, parent or neighbor that you know needs some pepping up or just because. (just because is always extra special)." Missyllaneous E.

Absolutely! I couldn't say it better myself.

 "Every day can suck; every day you can be depressed. It it what you make of each day. You gunna let it suck? Life is short, don't let Valentine's Day have this hold on your life. Show a friend or family your love. If Valentine's day is about love, then show it! Doesn't hafta be to a boyfriend or a girlfriend but to anyone you love."

And that was my reply to someone who said Valentine's Day totally depresses them and it sucks.

"lol Valentines Day is just like any other day. No reason to be sad or depressed. It's a retail holiday to get people to spend money. People should show they love each other ALL the time, not on just one day. Life is good people , open your eyes and see the beauty around you. :)" ~ Missyllaneous E.

Seriously though, every day is what you make it. You wanna let Valentine's Day ruin February 14th for ya? Your choice, but I would say smile and show some love.

(Oh and ok, maybe it's not that bad, but I'm still not a fan of Valentine's Day...Never really haven been and maybe never will be. I don't know...maybe one day I will be a big ol' fan. We'll see. Until then, single people, get over the fact you're single and give your best friend some chocolate. And couples? Don't rub it in single people's faces. Haha.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Horror of Abortion ~What We Can't Not Know

Here is an article from Chuck Colson, thought I'd share.

"The statistic has everyone reeling: According to a recent survey, forty-one percent of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. Forty-one percent. Nearly half.

As you might expect, pro-lifers are deeply concerned, and already trying to find ways to bring that number down. Archbishop Timothy Dolan to name one, called a news conference to say that the church would be stepping up its efforts to encourage and help women in crisis pregnancies.

But pro-choicers weren't too excited about this news either. The New York Times--hardly a pro-life bastion-reported, "No one is exactly celebrating. . . . Even abortion rights advocates expressed some concern about the numbers, trying to change the conversation to a broader one on reproductive health."

The Times noted that the easy access to abortion makes the city a "magnet . . . for doctors who wish to practice without restrictions [and] for women who want to live in an atmosphere of sexual self-determination."

Those are, of course, noble and laudable desires according to the pro-choice folks. And yet the tone of the article is distinctly uneasy. It quotes late-term abortionist Dr. Robert Berg, who says his patients tend to be "hostile" to him, treating him like "a punching bag" even though he's providing a service that they've asked for.

If abortion is a morally neutral medical procedure, as the pro-choicers would have us believe, why all the angst coming from people who are getting abortions? I think it all comes back to what J. Budziszewski calls "what we can't not know."

Why would a woman be angry at an abortionist? Because he is about to kill her child, and any woman knows that is wrong. She can't help but know it. None of us can. It's one of the deepest truths written on our hearts-that human life is sacred, and destroying an innocent life in the womb is one of the most violent acts imaginable.

The recent arrest of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia dragged that ugly truth into the spotlight. Gosnell ran a "house of horrors" where babies were slaughtered with scissors, where some of their mothers died as well, and where some of the babies' body parts were kept in jars.

The nation was horrified-but why? Late-term abortions often involve killing babies with scissors-the only difference is that it's usually done as the baby is still emerging from the birth canal, not after it's all the way out. Some difference.

But when Gosnell made the news, we were all reminded of what we can't not know-that it's wrong to kill babies in this way, or in any other way.

Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer, has written that the grand jury report on Gosnell may become the Uncle Tom's Cabin of the pro-life movement. I hope he's right. It's tragic that it takes something as drastic as a baby's foot in a jar, or a 41 percent abortion rate in a major city, to remind everybody that abortion is an unjustifiable travesty.

But when we see even pro-choicers getting upset about these things, then we know that the truth is written on their hearts just as it is on ours.

May the day quickly come when they can no longer ignore it." ~Chuck Colson

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Driving & Snow

Straying from the topic I've been writing about for the last seven posts, I'm going to say that I love snow. Usually. It figures this winter in my area we get more snow than we have in the past few. Last year it was pretty decent, a few good, heavy snow falls which I adored.

But this year, I work about 35-40 minutes from home, and it seems like it only snows before I hafta go to work, so I'm stuck driving on terrible roads because it snowed all day and the plow trucks can't keep up.

I don't mind too bad really. I'm not exactly scared to drive in the snow. But you see, I have a Camaro and they slide pretty easily. I'm not afraid to slide, that's rather fun (more on that in a bit) but I am worried I'll wreck my car. Totally crush me because she's my baby.

So far so good, and we only slid off the road once, last month due to the roads being covered in ice and I foolishly didn't realize how slick they were. I'm not gonna lie, it was exhilarating. I was on the interstate (and surprisingly nobody else was around) and my car slid into the other lane, back into my lane, over into the other lane, spun around backwards and through the ditch. Cool part? I didn't freak out. As most of you probably know, hitting your brakes when sliding doesn't help. Neither does jerking on the steering wheel. I tried to keep some control of the wheel, but I knew I couldn't jerk it because that wouldn't help.

We flew through that ditch too. The dusting of snow we had the day or two before went flying into the air so we were surrounded by white. We stopped at the edge of the interstate and spun the tires to get back out there on the interstate.

Yeah, it was fun and exciting. Can't say I wanna do it again though. I was blessed to have a clear road when my car slid. I was blessed no damage was done to my car- and me.

So yes, if you look out my window you'll see a buncha snow. It snowed for awhile yesterday too, but I am off for the weekend so I didn't mind. In fact my sister and I walked down to the post office.

One of my favorite parts about winter is being outside when it's snowing. I love having the snow dust onto my hat and coat. It makes me smile.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Birth Control

Alright, so this post is by Abby Johnson on birth control. Birth control is ok, I guess but the hormonal birth control can cause early abortions. Personally, I think Christian couples should just leave birth control alone and trust God on the amount of children they have but I hear Christians shouting "we all will be like the Dugger family!" Yeah right; look back in the Bible. They didn't use birth control and not all them had 10+ kids. But if you're going to use birth control (and you're prolife) please keep in mind certain forms of birth control can cause early abortions.

"Not all birth control causes abortions. Some do. Hormonal birth control and the Paragard IUD can cause abortions. Those all have abortifacient properties. These birth control options work in a couple different ways. One way is to prevent ovulation. But if that fails (and it often does) and “breakthrough ovulation” occurs, then conception can occur. Conception is when the egg and sperm meet. DNA is formed and life begins. Another way hormonal methods work is by irritating the uterine lining to the point that a fertilized egg (a human person) would not be able to implant on the uterine wall and begin to grow. So, the woman passes the fertilized egg (human person) with her cycle and miscarries without even knowing it. It is sad, but that happens MANY times while women are on hormonal methods.

Studies show that contraception DOESN’T actually reduce the number of abortions. A recent study actually showed the opposite. The higher the contraception rate, the higher the abortion rate. Interesting, huh?? Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood’s hired research firm) actually showed similar statistics. On their website,, they show that 60% of abortive women state that they were using a contraceptive method at the time they got pregnant. Hmmm. I thought the “typical” (failure) rate of hormonal and barrier methods was around 5-10%. Guess someone got that wrong!! And here’s the truth from my experience. I rarely counseled a women who was having an abortion that wasn’t using a method when she got pregnant. That is the truth. Yes, there are some women who say…well, I just wasn’t using anything! But most were using something; condoms, the pill (most common), depo, IUD, SOMETHING!

And OF COURSE they would be on a method! Our society today makes women feel like it is riskier NOT to be on a hormonal method. Totally ridiculous. It is risky TO BE pumping artificial hormones into your body!! These hormones have been linked to reproductive cancers, strokes, heart disease, osteoporosis, nerve disorders, future infertility, food allergies, metabolic disorders, and many other things!! But we think it is riskier NOT to take them?? We think getting pregnant is riskier than those diseases I listed above?? Really? And you know what makes this even better? All of those risks are listed in the package insert. But no one takes the time to read them…and your doctor sure doesn’t take the time to go over them with you. Doctors give out birth control pills like they are handing out M&M’s. They treat women like we are too stupid to understand our bodies. Like we are second class citizens when it comes to health care. And, honestly, we are partially to blame to for that. We have allowed it happen.

Birth control enslaves women to their fertility. It puts all of the responsibility on them. And that is exactly what it was intended to do. Birth control was created so that people could have sex without consequences. What has happened since then? Women are turned into sexual objects for men to yearn for…and we allow ourselves to be lusted after. All for a society of sex without consequences. That is not what sex was intended for. That is not what fertility was intended for. Fertility was meant to be a shared partnership between a husband and wife. A partnership that is open to life. Not one where women feel like failures when they see that positive pregnancy test. Not one where men blame their wives for getting pregnant. That is not how this is supposed to work." ~Abby Johnson

Friday, January 14, 2011

Insults and Name-Calling

"You are such an idiot."

Really? Are they? Is someone really an idiot for believing in abortion? Is someone really an idiot being against abortion? No, I don't think so. Your beliefs do not make you an idiot. Maybe you believe something entirely wacked out, but c'mon, seriously? Insulting someone's intelligence or calling them a name doesn't help your argument.

Obviously, I'm not in favor of abortion. But I do not believe those who support abortion are idiots. I believe they are (1) willfully ignorant of what abortion truly is or (2) could really careless because it's just a "fetus" and not really a human (which, btw, humans only beget humans, so obviously it's a living baby inside a woman just as living puppies are inside a momma dog). They believe the woman is more important than the unborn child. At one point, that woman carrying the baby was once inside her mother's womb, making her also unimportant. Why are the unborn less important? I've never been given an satisfactory answer.

Insults and name-calling do not get you anywhere. Can't we all just be grown up and maintain an adult debate? I encourage others to refrain from it. If the one you're talking to insults you, ignore the barb and stay polite.

The former also only hardens them and blocks out what you have to say. And this goes to any and all arguments, not just abortion debates. In debating, stay respectful. After all, you're representing everyone who believes what you believe and if you're being a jerk, they'll label us all jerks. Not cool.

If you're getting heated, back off. Take some deep breaths and rethink your words. Don't say something you'll regret.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Case of Rape

"What if she's raped? Should she be forced to carry the baby, the reminder of the rape every day?"

First off, even if raped, does it make the baby any less a baby? No, of course not. It's a baby conceived through unthinkable circumstances. You can't look at a baby conceived through love and one through rape and be able to spot a difference. Because there is none! They are both humans, same as you and I.

"We must approach this with great compassion. The woman has been subjected to an ugly trauma, and she needs love, support and help. But she has been the victim of one violent act. Should we now ask her to be a party to a second violent act -that of abortion? Unquestionably, many would return the violence of killing an innocent baby for the violence of rape. But, before making this decision, remember that most of the trauma has already occurred. She has been raped. That trauma will live with her all her life." (

Should she really top it off with abortion? It will not take away the rape, it will not take away the memories. It won't even help her deal with what happened.

But...the baby is part his! Yes, the baby is half his, but it's still half hers. And should we kill the baby for his or her father's crimes? Do we kill another child because their father's crimes? No. We punish the one who committed the crime. The child conceived doesn't deserve the death penalty.

Maybe she can't deal with raising the baby; maybe it would be too difficult. But she can find an adopting family.

When debating with someone for abortion, they'll more than likely pull the rape card. Remember, abortions from rape are only 1%, and it still doesn't justify the murder of an unborn child.

Rape is hard enough to deal with. Abortion is hard enough to deal with. One was an act of violence committed against her- she had no control over it. The other is her committing an act of violence toward an unborn baby- and she chose to do it. Neither is justifiable.

"Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?

When pregnancy occurs as a result of rape or incest, the baby is not only the child of the rapist but of the woman as well. Today, it is not unusual for rape victims who aborted their children to say they have come to grips with having been the victim of someone else’s violence, but cannot accept that they inflicted violence on their own baby. On the other hand, you never hear a rape victim who did not have an abortion later say she wished she had. In fact, they often see the baby as the only good thing that came from the situation.

There are those who argue that this baby would be a constant reminder of the rape. When adoption is suggested, the response is that many women are not emotionally able to carry a child for nine months and then give it to someone else to raise. In other words, we’re asked to believe that the kind of woman who would be traumatized by placing her child with a loving family, would be happier if her baby was brutally ripped to shreds, thrown in a dumpster and hauled off to a landfill.

Even if we bought into that, let’s imagine that a woman was kidnapped and held for two years during which time she gave birth to her captor’s son. When rescued, the woman says the baby is a constant reminder of her ordeal but that she could not stand to give him up to someone else to raise. Would we allow her to have him killed? After all, the dynamics used to justify abortion also exist in this situation.
Other people rationalize abortion for rape and incest because the pregnancy was beyond the woman’s control. That too is illogical. Allowing a victim of violence and brutality to inflict violence and brutality upon her own child will not return the control that the rapist stole from her, nor will it address the physical or psychological damage that was done to her.

Finally, we must never forget that the unborn child created through an act of violence is no less a living human being than the one created through an act of love. And just as we would not discriminate against a five-year-old who was conceived in rape or incest, neither should we discriminate against an unborn child who was so conceived."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dear Pro-Life, Love, Pro-Choice

"Dear Pro-Life crazies, I know this may come as a shock to you so you may want to go grab a bible for some support... as long a women have been getting pregnant, they've been having abortions. You're fighting a pointless battle. No matter if you out law it and bomb every clinic in the world, abortion will still happen. ...Always has always will. Period. So really stop bitching over something that will never change. Please, use all that effort and fix something that can change, like world hunger, or the economy.
Love, Pro-Choice." ~Jessica G.

When I read that I instantly had so many words to say in response. But...I said nothing. Why? Because it's on a Facebook page I never hit 'like' on and of course, without that, I'm not allowed to write anything on that page. So, I thought I'd address that letter here.

"Pro-life crazies." First off, I am not a crazy person for being pro-life. Yes, some can be kinda nuts. But um, so are some pro-choicers. You got some crazies pretty much on every side of anything, ya know?

Secondly "grab a bible for support", some pro-lifers are not Christian, Catholic or of any religion really. While yes, most pro-lifers do believe in God, not every single one does. And some even get annoyed when God is brought up.

Thirdly, it's not a "pointless battle". Every life saved is a win. It may be a never-ending battle, but we have small victories. Never give up in fighting for the unborn.

Granted, abortion even before being legal was happening. Much less though. And if we ban it, it will still happen. But much less. Yeah, there will still be abortions, but it won't be abortion-on-demand.

As for "use all that effort and fix something that can change, like world hunger" I can only say world hunger will always be around. We can try to fix it, but we can't. It's a fallen world, and we can try to feed everyone, but we really can't. It's sad, I know. It hurts thinking of all those starving children. We can try and feed them all, but we'll never reach every single one. I guess you could call that a "pointless battle" as well. But we're still gunna keep trying. Every child fed is a small victory.

"Or the economy". Huh...I thought our president Obama promised that for us.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Too Young

"What if the girl is too young to have a baby? Isn't abortion the best option?"

If you're too young to have a baby, maybe you're too young to have sex. With sex pregnancy is always a possibility, and even if you're not having sex to get pregnant, you still can.

If she's too young to be having a baby because she's still a teen-kid herself, if she doesn't realize it then, she will later that she aborted her baby, not just simply a clump of cells. Abortion brings a tremendous amount of guilt. So really, abortion isn't the best "option".

For parents, if their daughter comes to them, saying she's pregnant and wants to keep the baby encouraging abortion is not cool. She needs your support throughout the pregnancy. Don't ask her to abort your grandchild. Don't ask her to willingly step into something that will give her a lifetime of regret and guilt.

And if you honestly don't want her to raise the baby, suggest adopting the baby out. But if you tell her to adopt the baby, she will probably pull away from the idea- more than likely she already thought of it. Just ask her if she's considered adoption. She can pick out the family, and even do an open adoption. But if she wants to keep the baby, support her. It is her baby, and maybe she doesn't want to let someone else raise her child. If she's willing to be the mother she needs to be, she shouldn't be forced to give away her baby.

I don't see how abortion is the best option. Maybe it may feel like it, but remember, it's not a kidney you're having removed. It's a living little human, with a heart beating just as yours.

Remember, every abortion is: one more heart that was stopped, two more eyes that will never see, two more hands that will never touch, two more legs that will never run, one more mouth that will never speak. And that is for every single baby, including if you're too young to be pregnant.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Choice

Ofttimes you’ll hear a woman cry “It’s my body!”

Truthfully, while the baby lives and grows in the mother’s womb for about nine months, he or she is a distinct individual with his or her own unique abilities and experiences. The child’s blood is often a different blood type and never mixes with the mother’s. He or she has his or her own unique genetic identity and has innate abilities and talents the mother may not have. (taken from

It is her body carrying a baby. Within the first week the baby’s limbs appear and the face and head take shape. By three weeks there is a heartbeat, before most women even know they’re pregnant. Brainwaves have been measured as early as six weeks.

By the time a woman even has an abortion she is at least six weeks pregnant and her baby has a heartbeat, brainwaves, his or her own blood type…By eight weeks all organs are in place and present. At eight weeks the baby has intermittent breathing motions (though there is no air present in the uterus) occur. Yet it’s still cried “what about her dreams?” Killing your unborn baby to achieve your goals is not the right to choose; it’s the “right” to avoid even the minimum of responsibility.

Your goals do not become out of reach when you’re pregnant. I’ve read true stories of women who have finished their education while pregnant. No, it wasn’t their ideal situation but they recognized taking a life to finish their goal is selfish.

I’m not saying it’s easy. But I am saying think…abortion is killing your child. It’s not just a blob of tissue; a clump of cells. It is a live little human with a beating heart just as yours.

Your baby is developing and your womb is her or his home. Some pro-choicers I’ve talked with have said abortion is fine because the baby isn’t fully developed. Neither is a two-year toddler. Neither is a teenager. But is it right to kill them? No, you’ll be charged with murder (as you should be). An unborn baby is just at a different stage of development and we all were at the very same stage ourselves. It does not make it right to abort the baby because it is at the developmental stage s/he is suppose to be at.

"It's just a clump of cells," a pro-choicer said. My answer was "look in the mirror. We are all just a clump of cells." An unborn baby is equal to a newborn: both have a heartbeat, brainwaves, their own DNA, fingerprints, organs, limbs, a mind and a life purpose.

So is it truly her choice to kill someone else? Is it my choice to kill my newborn because I suddenly no longer want the baby?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I am pro-life. I was recently in a discussion about pro-life verses pro-choice when someone brought up the fact there are two sides to the pro-life movement. At first I was apt to disagree until upon further thinking, I realized that was true. She believes that if you’re pro-life you should have no sympathy for the women who have been hurt by their decision to abort; she also stated that even if they regret their decision, they shouldn’t enjoy life because their baby is now dead.

Are you kidding me? The last thing these women need is our judgement and cold words! I know that there are the occasional few (so I’ve been told) women who absolutely do not regret their abortion, but most women do. And by yelling at them, calling them baby killers, is mean. Yes, they killed their baby (it is also legal here in the U.S. so honestly, there is no punishment for it except the guilt the woman feels), but they regret it.

When I told her they regret their decision she basically said “so what?! they killed their baby! They shouldn't even be alive!” Ok yes, I get that she killed her baby…the girl gets that. But what are you doing with those harsh words? Are you helping her? Are you helping the pro-life movement? In my opinion, no, you’re not. Someone who had an abortion may read her words, and be silenced forever. When she could have spoken up, and made a difference, sharing her story. Who else better to speak up for life than one who has been hurt by abortion?

Yes, your baby is dead. It’s horrible. It’s tragically sad. But to say that because you killed your baby you shouldn’t be alive either, is well, not pro-life.

I am pro-life. I am for all life. If you are discussing abortion with someone who is pro-choice and say the mother should be killed as well, they’re going to laugh at you. I’ve seen it happen, time and again. Because there you are, claiming to be pro-life yet wishing someone dead.

So when I say I’m pro-life, I’m not just referring to abortion; I am literally for all life. Of course I've been told I am not for the pregnant woman's life if I take away her 'right' to abort.

And those on the pro-choice side may say, have said, I am forcing my beliefs and opinions on them by trying to make abortion illegal and all I say in response is this: are not you forcing your beliefs and opinions on me by keeping it legal?